Joey's 4 year old Kindergarten Room - 4 - 5 year olds

Children are supported and encouraged to grow strong healthy bodies and a love for learning. Every child will take a unique path to their learning and development. Daily yoga classes will help to teach children breathing techniques to calm their emotions and regulate their behaviour. These are skills children will use throughout their life.  
Our educators are happy active people who have been handpicked to work with 4 -6 year old children because of their experience and specialised training in early childhood development.

At this age children have developed communications skills in one or more languages. Children are supported / able to have conversations with adults, educators and peers. The basic human need for friendship is very strong. Friendships are formed with sharing and turn taking while sharing play themes. Children are driven by their inner ego, and it’s clear to see their world is all about themselves.

Children have an understanding about what’s fair and just and they can stand up when something is unfair and demand that action is taken to resolve the conflict, so once again their world is on an even playing field. They see their world as having many opportunities to grow their inquisitive brains. They start to explore print in their lives. They learn to read and write their names. They use early literacy and numeracy in play episodes. Children have a sound understanding and experience in playing board games, counting games, memory games with peers and educators.

Children continue to enjoy singing and playing with musical instruments. Their art work begins to have a purpose, long brush strokes are painted across the canvas, and they enjoy experimenting with colours, form and textures. We start to see detailed drawings and paintings of people, friends and early writing is experimented with.

Children have this need to run and be active within nature. Our beautiful outdoor gardens are a great place for young children to explore and grow their inquiring minds. The sand pit is situated in a quiet area in the yard so that young children can travel to different worlds using their imaginations and their intellect. The purposely built traffic school inspires active children to be strong and healthy. The swing area is nestled into the trees that form the perimeter. The cube climbing equipment is designed to challenge active children to grow strong healthy minds and capable bodies..

Swimming and pit gym, are added curricula learning experiences paid by the parents, these are optional learning experiences, where a small group of children will be accompanied by 2 educators.

To comply with DET laws, an educational plan will outline the purpose of the planned excursion, route, time, date and the learning outcomes of the planned excursion. With this a risk minimisation plan and written permission from parents will be completed before any child leaves the service. .

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Collard's Childcare & Kindergarten - Mill Park